I'm terrible at creating relationship problems as I've never been in one. (laugh) I only come up with these things based on romances (NOT TWILIGHT) with some adventure. I'm a sucker for those things. I almost made no problem at all in the Anthony-Chao relationship, but I figured it would have to happen sometimes. So here's a very small one that resolved itself unusually fast.
Anyway, this update is two days before Misfortunate Rai's two-year anniversery. I've never stuck to a comic this long, but behold! Anyway, the very large banner at the top of the page (or was, 8-13 to 8-20) can be seen on DeviantART, full sized and beautiful, here --} Full Size 2-Year Anniversery Shot.
Misfortunate Rai Copyright Joshua SturM 2012-2015